Use Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc. browsers

Step 1: Log in to Facebook

Step 2: Page Select (Select your existing page from the right corner of  log out bar)

Step 3: Go to the page “Setting” (Top bar of the page right side)

Step 4: Select “Page Roles”

Step 5: Now You can see a Business Manager request below the

Step 6: Select the Approved option for security purposes your Facebook Password will be asked just give it.

The business manager request will not appear on Facebook App. Instead of App use mobile browsers Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.

Step 1: Open any Browser log in to Facebook

Step 2: Change your URL >  delete “m.” from URL

url change before

Check the browser after change the URL:

Change URL after

Step 3: Select your page

Page selection

Step 4: Select page setting

page setting

Step 5: Select Page Roles > Check the right side Agency request will appear

page roles

Step 6: Select Approved > Password checking

Approval request

Password checking

password checking

After complete make sure it will appear like this

Request approved